The rule of thumb when planning a project is to evaluate the plan, gather materials, design the steps and then create a schedule for getting it done. These tasks can be used to grow your business. This is a strategy. It’s not something you can ignore, deny or pretend doesn’t exist. could signal doom for your future profits if you have an “I’ll think of that tomorrow” business mindset.
The entrepreneur as George Scorsis Florida may already have a “to do” list, but she can break them down into “what do today” and “what do tomorrow.” It’s easy to identify the things you need to do every day. This includes working the business, calling clients, paying bills, and making sure inventory is ready. This list of “what you should think about tomorrow” will help you keep an eye on your business’ future. This can also be called your “business strategy”.
This is why it’s so important. This is because your business may not look the same in two years. If your business grows from year 1 into year 3, you might need more warehouse space, more employees, or outsourcing your bookkeeping. Another way to look at it is to live in the “what if” mindset. What if my customers find a similar product? How can I sell my business?” Or “I know I can expand next year, but how many employees does that translate into, and what advertising avenues are available for my business?” You could wait for these situations to come true, but then you’ll be unable to see the end of the road. It may also be quite expensive.
If you think your business could triple in three years, and space is an issue, keep yourself informed about the market prices for commercial real estate. Contact the local temp agency if you need temporary workers. They will ask for your information and let you know what types of jobs are available. Once the job is complete, the agency will start the process. If you believe you will need more pages than you currently have, you can purchase a package that allows you to grow. This way, you don’t need as much space, but you already have the additional space.
It’s not as daunting as you might think. Once you get into the habit of using it, your business development strategy will be as regular as checking your books every week. Maybe you can schedule a time when your daily tasks are completed and you can start looking towards the future. Do you feel your business is running smoothly? Are you able to accommodate a slight increase of sales? Is your inventory at a safe level? Are you looking for a new market? It might even be a fun part of your week, as you see your business grow.